
The 弗朗西斯研究所 for Child and Youth Development, 都会社区学院 offers to early childhood practitioners, directors and family childcare providers 专业发展机会. 所有的专业发展都是为了 获得密苏里州和堪萨斯州的批准.

培训 is customized to meet Child Development Associate (CDA) certification training 小时 以及初级、中级和高级水平的双态核心能力. 培训 是根据合同面对面、现场或通过Zoom.


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想让我们来找你? 这些天不能满足你们中心的需求? 问题? 

电子邮件我们 定制培训日期和价格. 他们可以在你的中心或弗朗西斯研究所. 



Strengths-Based教练® is a practical approach for working with adults that will fundamentally change the way individuals support others to achieve and sustain quality improvements in care 和教育. 它的设计是建立在技术的优势,知识和技能 assistance professionals 和领导人 who work with early childhood, school-age and 青年项目.


  • 有效领导的指导基础
  • 创造积极意图环境的技巧
  • 发展伙伴关系的方法
  • 运用现有优势提升绩效的技能
  • 实现个人和组织目标的策略
  • 一个循序渐进的过程,通过改变来支持他人


Strengths-Based教练® has several derivatives and breakout sessions available to you and your staff, as well as the original training for technical assistance professionals 和领导人. 弗朗西斯儿童和青年发展研究所可以创建一个讲习班 和/或定制现有的车间,以满足您的需求.


A trainer must be certified to order and offer the 弗朗西斯研究所 curriculum, 发展你的家庭托儿事业™; and strengths-based coaching.


The training series includes a reflective workbook and guided tips for completing assignments, is user-friendly and results in a 90% completion rate of business plans 家长手册. 建设性的反馈和评估支持可用于 你的商业计划和家长手册.

In partnership with First Step Fund, the 弗朗西斯研究所 was instrumental in the development of the 程序 and has assisted in delivering the 程序 since its inception in 1996. 超过149家网站获得了“发展家庭儿童保育”的认证 业务. 1800多人参加了这次综合培训 程序.


Developing Your Family Child Care 程序s are now being used by partners representing 各种组织包括:

  • 微型企业组织
  • 小企业发展中心
  • 经济和社区发展机构
  • 妇女和少数族裔商业中心
  • 大学及学院
  • 儿童保育资源及转介机构
