The 弗朗西斯研究所 for Child and Youth Development, 都会社区学院 offers to early childhood practitioners, directors and family childcare providers 专业发展机会. 所有的专业发展都是为了 获得密苏里州和堪萨斯州的批准.
培训 is customized to meet Child Development Associate (CDA) certification training 小时 以及初级、中级和高级水平的双态核心能力. 培训 是根据合同面对面、现场或通过Zoom.
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想让我们来找你? 这些天不能满足你们中心的需求? 问题?
电子邮件我们 定制培训日期和价格. 他们可以在你的中心或弗朗西斯研究所.
Strengths-Based教练® is a practical approach for working with adults that will fundamentally change the way individuals support others to achieve and sustain quality improvements in care 和教育. 它的设计是建立在技术的优势,知识和技能 assistance professionals 和领导人 who work with early childhood, school-age and 青年项目.
- 有效领导的指导基础
- 创造积极意图环境的技巧
- 发展伙伴关系的方法
- 运用现有优势提升绩效的技能
- 实现个人和组织目标的策略
- 一个循序渐进的过程,通过改变来支持他人
This twelve-hour training can focus on technical assistance or directors, supervisors 以及其他担任领导职务的人.
The training is highly interactive and provides opportunities to practice strategies 呈现在整个两天. 培训费用包括一本练习册. 每两年加入我们的培训.
2006年,Debra J. 阿克曼,Ph值.D.美国国家早期研究所 Education Research at Rutgers University, offered the following findings about the 顾问的准备:
“咨询师本身可能缺乏有效工作所需的技能. 当他们 usually come to the field already possessing a college degree and some type of early 与童年有关的经历(韦斯利 & Buysse, 2004),作为变革的推动者,他们需要一个 额外的专业知识库. 因此,培训可能不仅需要 in the content area of their work, but also in the consulting process, the kinds of strategies that can bring about change, and effective communication and conflict management 技能(Buysse & Wesley, 2005; File & Kontos, 1992, 1998; Klein & 哈里斯,2004)."
Based on this study, the 弗朗西斯研究所 for Child and Youth Development created a curriculum and training to improve the effectiveness of coaching for education and 人类服务组织.
Developed around research on best practices from the business community and other fields, Strengths-Based教练® A Journey into Coaching is designed to build upon the knowledge, skills and beliefs of technical assistance specialists, consultants, 以及其他领导人. 课程教导个人整合他们的知识 into an effective approach for coaching or on the skills required to successfully 将指导融入到领导者的角色中.
Supervisors who focus on coaching are able to reduce the time they spend on crises management and move from surviving to thriving as staff members become active partners 为孩子们创造更好的节目.
“Strengths-Based教练® has helped our Quality Improvement Coaches to bring focus to each visit with the clients 他们服务. 我们的教练现在拥有了他们工作所需的技能和知识 as a 团队 with their clients to develop and communicate a clear purpose for their 共同改善品质." -Jennifer Hecker, KACCRRA堪萨斯州质量评级系统主任
“基于优势的教练®改变了我对工作的整个看法. 我又兴奋起来了 因为我看到了积极改变的可能性. 它的工作! 这是 提高教师和项目的素质. 我肯定觉得自己更有能力了 我有更多的工具可以使用. 我有前进的方向." -Shalyn Martin, Milestone Academy总监
Strengths-Based教练® has several derivatives and breakout sessions available to you and your staff, as well as the original training for technical assistance professionals 和领导人. 弗朗西斯儿童和青年发展研究所可以创建一个讲习班 和/或定制现有的车间,以满足您的需求.
Leaders and technical assistance professionals in education and human service organizations focus on five foundations: adult learning theory, core beliefs, how we approach others, 在第一天建立关系和沟通.
These foundations support the seven stages consisting of setting 目标, supporting 目标的执行情况,审查实现目标的进展情况.
Specific skills and tasks at each stage in this process guide coach and coachee toward 共同的愿景、目标和质量改进.
改变并不容易. 了解导致改变的条件,并讨论如何应用 你工作中的信息.
Come ready to think in a new way about effectively supporting others through change. 你将尝试一个实用的,基于优势的策略,你可以在明天使用!
让员工兴奋起来! 学习10个技巧来帮助成年人变得热情, 对团队有贡献的成员.
Inspire each staff to work toward a shared vision and mission as an integral part 你的组织. 让所有人都上船!
Learn 5 tips to support adults to become enthusiastic, contributing members of your 团队. Inspire each staff to become an integral part 你的组织, refocusing 关于儿童接受优质教育的权利.
艰难的对话时有发生! 解决问题和前进的关键是什么 建立共同目标? 我们如何分享可能不受欢迎的消息?
In this session you will explore and practice techniques for handling these conversations 在你的领导角色中.
与我们一起探索克服沟通障碍的策略. 发现提示 加强与员工及家属的沟通.
Having a vision for your 程序 can set your heart on fire and spark the dreams of 员工、孩子和家庭! 在这个动态的互动环节中,您将探索 你作为一个有远见的领导者的角色.
Come develop ideas for writing and using 你的视力 as a compass for 程序 success.
Discover a framework to guide your daily tasks and decision-making as you focus on 你的视力.
Examine strategies to strengthen relationships, create positive connections and inspire 在你的项目社区内的成长和承诺.
什么是“基于结果的规划和评估”? 发现使用基线的策略 evaluation data as you partner with 程序s to develop improvement plans and to intentionally 跟踪正在进行的进展. 学习如何帮助从业者将他们的努力与会议联系起来 对儿童、家庭、工作人员和项目产生积极影响的结果.
Who we are and what we believe about other people affects our relationships and interactions. Explore your own beliefs about human nature, and the Core Beliefs of Strengths-Based 教练®.
Discover ideas for motivating and working with adults starting at their current level 经验和教育,追求更高的品质.
我们如何收集有关项目和从业人员的信息? 我们的目的是什么? 进行观察?
Join us to discuss strategies to maximize our effectiveness as objective observers 项目的优势和改进的机会.
有效目标的组成部分是什么? 我们如何与员工合作发展 实现项目目标?
Learn how to support others in developing intentional, concrete action steps that 成为改变的承诺. 探索策略,支持员工努力实现目标 目标.
A trainer must be certified to order and offer the 弗朗西斯研究所 curriculum, 发展你的家庭托儿事业™; and strengths-based coaching.
The training series includes a reflective workbook and guided tips for completing assignments, is user-friendly and results in a 90% completion rate of business plans 家长手册. 建设性的反馈和评估支持可用于 你的商业计划和家长手册.
In partnership with First Step Fund, the 弗朗西斯研究所 was instrumental in the development of the 程序 and has assisted in delivering the 程序 since its inception in 1996. 超过149家网站获得了“发展家庭儿童保育”的认证 业务. 1800多人参加了这次综合培训 程序.
Developing Your Family Child Care 程序s are now being used by partners representing 各种组织包括:
- 微型企业组织
- 小企业发展中心
- 经济和社区发展机构
- 妇女和少数族裔商业中心
- 大学及学院
- 儿童保育资源及转介机构
- 区分家庭托儿企业主所扮演的角色.
- 撰写并评估一个商业概念陈述.
- 确定关键人员和资源团队解决方案.
- 选择合适的法律结构.
- 明确家庭托儿业务的特点和效益.
- 确定政府和专业许可要求.
- 概述当地托儿行业并确定趋势.
- 确定目标市场.
- Determine the business' direct, indirect and future competition and its distinctive 服务.
- 确定与业务位置相关的市场优势/劣势.
- 制定促销策略.
- 开始服务定价过程.
- 确定经营家庭托儿业务的相关成本.
- Learn to use basic accounting tools such as cash flow statement, income statement 资产负债表.
- 基于定价的项目收益.
- 制定经营托儿业务的政策.
- 考虑企业家的监督,以改善业务.
- 完成业务计划和家长手册.